Social Research&Journalism

ontdek, discover, entdecke: social sciences, social scientists and social inventions


Ellie Smolenaars / Social Research & Journalism (LinkedIn) is a social science writer, social researcher and media content producer. I produce meaning from this magical raw material: Alphabet. Please visit my portfolio and enjoy reading my articles, books and co-productions*. I try to stay one step ahead of artificial intelligence and i love to teach.

I write, research and teach in the following areas and subjects: social sciences; sociology; society; human interest; social trends; economics; social history. In Dutch, English and German. Content is always queen and I am an absolute knowledge (and book) addict. I work with visual professionals and content teams.


Aarzel niet om contact op te nemen voor meer informatie. Please feel free to contact me for further enquiries. Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich für weitere Fragen.

This is the quickest and easiest way to contact me, please include your email address in the reply, and your subject/question.

Social Media: @pinterest for a while i loved to collect social phenomena in Das Soziologie Museum and i read, watch, share and like at other socials. You can find me here: @EllieSmolenaars and here: Social Research & Journalism and also at Research Gate.

i also ‘ghost’run some organisational accounts. Deliberately slow and always curious as to gain distance, observe and understand diverse social realities.



* copyright of texts by co-authors and Ellie Smolenaars © copyright of images added in individual descriptions/captions, please respect the rights of illustrators and photographers. As I am always moving forward, I am not very good at archiving my own work, and I was happy to find large parts of my work published for various media back on the web, with my authorship and copyrights mentioned. Please contact me if you wish to use and/or copy my/our work. Thank you very much.